Plan for a Happy, Successful Life- By: Bob Uslander

Description : Do you ever wonder why you're not happier, or achieving more success or accomplishing more in your life?

Chances are, you're traveling without a map. You're living without a plan.

If you want to live a more authentic, happy and meaningful life, you need to spend the time up front to create a plan for how that's going to happen.

Without proper planning, no matter how hard you try or how well you execute, getting from "here to there" just won't happen, because you have no idea where "there" really is.

You're always going somewhere, but the question you need to keep asking yourself is, "Is this where I want to go?"

Your plan is the roadmap that allows you to travel from where you are now to the destination of your choice in the quickest, most efficient way.

It's the blueprint for designing the beautiful cathedral that your life can become.

If you're worried about being held to a rigid and inflexible plan, rest assured that your plans do not need to be carved in stone. They can be changed at will, as the situations in your life change.

A major part of the planning process is goal setting. Having written goals is critical, as is having a way to measure your progress toward your goals.

You can think of goals in another way-as outcomes. What are the outcomes you are shooting for in the various parts of your life?

I have a system for identifying the desired outcomes and then listing the behaviors and assets you'll need to achieve those outcomes that I'll share in an upcoming post, so stay tuned. (You can contact me directly if you're ready to learn more about it sooner.)

There are almost as many methods of setting and measuring goals as there are goals to achieve. The particular method is less important than the act of doing it.

Once you start the goal setting process, you set in motion a series of events that actually develop a life of their own. Your goal actually becomes a new intention in the universe, and you can begin to experience the benefits of your goals way before you even achieve them. That's a powerful concept.

I also believe that when you set a new goal, write it down and commit to it, the universe comes to your assistance. But until you've fully committed to it, you're on your own. I'd much rather have the collective power of the universe working on my behalf than trying to do it all alone. How about you?

So please, get started today on your plans for a happier and more successful life today. As always, I've available for a discussion about this if you'd like. Just give me a call.

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Author Resource : Remember Your Purpose